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Introduction is a website from the GEP (a Group of Pedagogical Experiments) of the Academic Delegation of Digital Education (Dane) in the Académie of Versailles. It offers mp3 resources to download or listen online.

Editorial team

The GEP (a Group of Pedagogical Experiments) of the Academic Delegation of Digital Education (Dane) in the Académie of Versailles
10 rue Thibault - 78160 MARLY-LE-ROI
Telephone number : +33 1 39 23 61 61

Mr Laurent Fouillard, Director of the DANE in the Académie of Versailles.

Web editors in charge of the content :
Web Editorial Team
Katrin Goldmann, (coordinator) : German, French as a foreign language
Elisa Gy : English, French as a foreign language
Karine Delaire : Spanish, French as a foreign language
Vanessa Carvalho : Portuguese
Agnieszka Balandard : Italian
Lucile Baudin : Russian, French as a foreign language
- : Chinese
Joan-Daniel Esteve (from Montpellier) : Occitan language
Mélanie Garcia, Pasqual Tirach (from Montpellier) : Catalan language
- (from Corse) : Corsican language
Marika Nelhomme (from Guadeloupe) : creole language
Bruno Rijobert : hebrew
Sylvie Barka (from Normandy) : Arabic

Web technician :
Philippe Roca, Web Service from the Academic Delegation of Digital Education (Dane) of the Académie of Versailles.

Website development :
Johan Pustoch (2008-2016)

Web designer :
Jessica Plagnol

Web hosting service website is hosted by the Academic Delegation of Digital Education (Dane) (10 rue Thibault - 78160 MARLY-LE-ROI, +33 1 39 23 61 61, )


The mp3 documents published on this website are protected by copyright since the authors have given their consent for their publication on They may be used freely for non-profit associations, personal, educational or professional purposes. Any information collected from this website must only be for non-profit associations, personal, educational or professional purposes; any use or reproduction for commercial or advertising purposes is forbidden.

Copying mp3 files downloaded on this website is allowed for transferring them to personal mobile devices or on an Intranet for non-profit associations, personal, educational or professional purposes provided the source has been indicated to end users. The publication of Audio-Lingua resources on other websites is forbidden.
You may not reproduce, by any means and for any purpose, non-public documents, graphs, photographies and multimedia resources taken from the website. In case of doubt regarding the copyrights, it is advisable to contact a member of the editorial team.

In case of doubt on the identity of authors, a request may be addressed to the DANE of the Académie of Versailles, (10 rue Thibault - 78160 MARLY-LE-ROI, +33 1 39 23 61 61, ).

Any full or partial reproduction of this site without prior express authorization is strictly prohibited.

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Private, public, French or foreign hypertext links may be placed within the framework of this site. The Académie of Versailles is not responsible for their contents and they must only aim at enabling Internet users to have easily access to other resources on the visited topic.

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The creation of hypertext links to Audio-Lingua webpages is allowed provided:

  • Internet users will not use deep links, i.e. links pointing to a specific page or image on another website, but instead of that website’s main or home page will open in a separate window.
  • exact details of the source or the link must be provided.
  • information used must only be for non-profit associations, personal, educational or professional purposes; any use or reproduction for commercial or advertising purposes is forbidden.

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The website user acknowledges that he or she has the skills and means required to access and use this site. He or she may use our site only for lawful purposes, particularly with the use of emails. It has to be reminded that Act n°26 of 6 January 1978 of the French law on Data Processing, Data Files and Individual Liberties prohibits data processing without the user’s prior consent in order to send spam emails regardless of the contents. Article 16 of the same law also prohibits the creation of automatic reply messages, of databases for the collection of email addresses, and automatic processing of personal data without a prior notification to the CNIL (Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés).
