histoire de ma famille

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49 ressources

Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2303

Maria : my triple identity (1/3)

Sunday 18 March 2012

Maria was born in the Phillippines to an American father and then moved to San Francisco at the age of 8.

MP3 – 1.2 Mb


0 Rating

URL of this resource : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2303

Download : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/IMG/mp3/Maria_-_triple_identity_1.mp3

Afficher les liens cliquables
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2303
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2301

Maria : my triple identity (3/3)

Sunday 18 March 2012

Maria talks about her triple identity and about the way she feels at ease wherever she goes.

MP3 – 1.1 Mb


0 Rating

URL of this resource : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2301

Download : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/IMG/mp3/Maria_-_triple_identity_3.mp3

Afficher les liens cliquables
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2301
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2211

Clare introduces herself

Monday 27 February 2012

I’m 23 years old and I live in Sydney, next to Bondi beach...

MP3 – 1.5 Mb


7 Rates

URL of this resource : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2211

Download : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/IMG/mp3/1-Description.mp3

Afficher les liens cliquables
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2211
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2087

Anita introduces herself

Monday 30 January 2012

Anita tells us about her birth and childhood in Cambridge. She speaks of her siblings (brothers and sisters).

MP3 – 628.6 kb


0 Rating

URL of this resource : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2087

Download : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/IMG/mp3/Anita_intro.mp3

Afficher les liens cliquables
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2087

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