Justin (South Jersey, Usa)

Justin is a language assistant for a year in France.

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9 ressources

Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article8358

Justin : Philadelphia won the Super Bowl in 2018

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Justin is proud of his team! They won the Super Bowl.

MP3 – 1.2 Mb


5 Rates

URL of this resource : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article8358

Download : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/IMG/mp3/justin_philadelphia_won_the_superbowl.mp3

Afficher les liens cliquables
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article8358
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article8357

Justin : my first time abroad

Wednesday 5 October 2022

Justin remembers his first time abroad, in France.

MP3 – 1.5 Mb


15 Rates

URL of this resource : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article8357

Download : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/IMG/mp3/justin_my_first_time_abroad.mp3

Afficher les liens cliquables
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article8357
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article8356

Justin : going to the shore

Wednesday 28 September 2022

Justin explains what going to the shore meant and means to him now.

MP3 – 1.3 Mb


3 Rates

URL of this resource : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article8356

Download : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/IMG/mp3/the_shore-2.mp3

Afficher les liens cliquables
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article8356
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article7573

Justin : going down the shore

Thursday 25 March 2021

Justin loves going to the beach and he remembers how he enjoyed it when he was a kid and a teenager.

MP3 – 983.9 kb


2 Rates

URL of this resource : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article7573

Download : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/IMG/mp3/the_shore.mp3

Afficher les liens cliquables
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article7573