How does it work ?
How to use Audio-Lingua ?
What you can find on Audio-Lingua is, for example, audio resources in German, if you click on the « German » section of the front page.
You can also find, from any webpage, better targeted audio resources by using the advanced browser (choose a language, level, etc.).
The quick and simple browser enables to find resources with one word (the search is carried out within the descriptions of the resources).
How to listen and download resources ?
- By navigating and searching for resources :
- You can directly listen to mp3 documents
- You can download every document (to use them in class) clicking on the arrow (right click, then save target as...);
- By subscribing to one of the « RSS - Podcast » feeds of this website :
Then you may automatically download and listen to the resources with Itunes or with your « RSS - Podcast » feed reader.
To learn more about the rights of using these resources, read the Privacy Policy.
How to find the « RSS - Podcast » feed that interests me ?
- Click on the language section you would like to listen to.
For example, to subscribe to the new mp3 documents in English, click on the section English and once you see the following icons, choose your way to subscribe :-
: To subscribe with Itunes
: To subscribe to a rss feed
: To subscribe with Netvibes
: To subscribe with Google (iGoogle or Google Reader).
You may subscribe to the resources of a language according to a level.
- A1 :
- A2 :
- B1 :
- B2 :
- C1 :
- C2 :
Of course : Subscribing to any podcast is free of charge !
Audio-Lingua offers several new functionalities from January 2012
Creation of personalized bookmarks
You can bookmark your favourite audio documents and thus have a basket full of recordings that you like. You can make a selection on a specific theme and then download the selected files.
To use this function you need to be registered on the website to be logged in. Then click on the heart (with a green plus), visible to the right of the title. If you bookmark this file (only by clicking) the colour of the heart changes from grey to red. So you will know, every time you log to Audio-Lingua, if a file is already part of your bookmarks.
To see the list of your favourite audios, you just have to click on “My favs” in the menu (which is possible only if you’re logged in).
How to register onto the website ?
– First you need to register onto the website. You will have to do this only once. To find the registration page, click on “My favs” in the menu on the right.
– Then you have to log in with your password.
Podcast flux of bookmarks
Audio-Lingua automatically creates a podcast flux of bookmarked audios. You can then give this flux to colleagues or students who can register to this personalized flux. When you add a file to your bookmarks, your followers will automatically receive it.
Even better, you can choose if you want to communicate the flux of all your bookmarks or just one level. For example you can send only A1 documents to your beginner students.
If you use this flux only for yourself, you will be able to download the selected files via your podcasting program on your computer or tab.
How to embed the files directly onto your web pages thanks to the exportable player
For each file, you will find its URL that you can communicate to others or embed onto your websites or blogs to insert a hypertext link to the files.
What is new is the exportable player. Under "URL of this resource: …", you can see "exportable player for website or blog". If you click on it, you will find the code to copy in your site or blog to allow your readers to play the files directly from your pages. Of course, you can’t download the resource from your site (cf. privacy policy)
A more efficient search engine
In the previous version of Audio-Lingua, you couldn’t search words of less than 4 letters. This is now possible. The search functionality should then be more efficient.
What’s more, we added the level for a search via keywords. So you can now search for a specific topic for a specific level of difficulty in a specific language.
Social networks icons
Several social networks icons allow you to share a resource with your followers. You can also follow Audio-Lingua on Facebook or via Twitter.
What didn’t change
– Audio-Lingua is still a collaborative and participative website. So help us make the site grow even more by sending your own contributions.
– You can still vote for your favourite recordings. They will then appear on the site homepage.
Would you like to participate and send your own recordings ? Use this form to send mp3 documents to be published on our website.
The best rated mp3 recordings
Information on the authors and this website’s purpose
Legal information on Audio-Lingua website and its content.