14 langues – 8570 mp3
Vous trouverez ici des fichiers mp3 en 14 langues, enregistrés par des locuteurs natifs, libres de droits pour une utilisation pédagogique ou personnelle pour l’entraînement à la compréhension de l’oral en français, anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien, russe, portugais, chinois, occitan, arabe, catalan, corse, créole et hébreu
1046 ressources
1810 ressources
1118 ressources
1329 ressources
636 ressources
1004 ressources
527 ressources
248 ressources
178 ressources
238 ressources
139 ressources
119 ressources
Créole guadeloupéen
130 ressources
48 ressources
Mp3 les plus récents
Sarah: My Family
Sarah, 6, speaks about her Anglo-French family.
Matthew: my dog
matthew speaks about his best friend, his dog.
Simonetta’s passion: travelling
Simonetta speaks about her passion for travelling to distant countries with her best friends.
Simonetta’s international family.
Simonetta speaks about the members of her family, all from different countries
Phyllis: my best friend
Phyllis tells us about her closest friend, an Italo-English woman living in France.
Phyllis: how to make a "banoffee"
Phyllis gives us the recipe of her favourite cake.
Articles les plus populaires
Ethan : mes cadeaux de Noël
Ethan fait la liste de ses cadeaux de Noël.
Nilton : o francês e o parisiense
Nilton fala do estereótipo do parisiense
Jenny : William and Kate are going to have a baby !
Jenny explains the reasons why she is happy about the future king to expect a baby. She also talks about the law that the government would like to change concerning the British Royal Family.
Jason : If...
Jason imagines things, dreams about what he would do if...
Wara : mi celular
El objeto favorito de Wara es su celular porque dentro lo tiene casi todo.
Anna : cómo celebrar el día del cariño a distancia
Anna vive en Francia y su novio sigue en Guatemala. Tienen previsto celebrar el día del cariño (San Valentín) gracias a internet.