14 langues – 8562 mp3
Vous trouverez ici des fichiers mp3 en 14 langues, enregistrés par des locuteurs natifs, libres de droits pour une utilisation pédagogique ou personnelle pour l’entraînement à la compréhension de l’oral en français, anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien, russe, portugais, chinois, occitan, arabe, catalan, corse, créole et hébreu
1046 ressources
1807 ressources
1118 ressources
1327 ressources
633 ressources
1004 ressources
527 ressources
248 ressources
178 ressources
238 ressources
139 ressources
119 ressources
Créole guadeloupéen
130 ressources
48 ressources
Mp3 les plus récents
Siobhan: my childhood in Ireland
Siobhan, 22, speaks about her childhood living on a farm in Ireland, particularly during the holidays
Siobhan: Christmas with my family
Siobhan speaks about the way Christmas is celebrated in her catholic Irish family.
Siobhan: a year in Germany
Siobhan tells us about her experience as a student in Hanover, Germany, and how this experience has transformed her .
Siobhan: my favourite actors, actresses and films
Siobhan,22, tells us who her favourite actresses, actors are, and the films she prefers.
Siobhan: the painter I love best
Siobhan speaks about an artist that she has discovered at school, in her German class, and that she really adores: Otto Dix
Siobhan: a funny incident
Siobhan,22, has witnessed a really funny incident in a bus...
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William : food habits
William answers questions about his food habits and how often he goes to fast-food restaurants.
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Gianluigi: Il mio liceo
Il mio liceo, la mia classe e il nostro progetto etwinning.