14 llengües – 8659 mp3
Vous trouverez ici des fichiers mp3 en 14 langues, enregistrés par des locuteurs natifs, libres de droits pour une utilisation pédagogique ou personnelle pour l’entraînement à la compréhension de l’oral en français, anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien, russe, portugais, chinois, occitan, arabe, catalan, corse, créole et hébreu
Els Mp3 més recents
Siobhan: a funny incident
Siobhan,22, has witnessed a really funny incident in a bus...
Siobhan: my worst nightmare
One day, Sibhan dreamt that....and it has become her worst recurrent nightmare.
Siobhan: my studies
Siobhan speaks about her studies and her plans for the future.
Siobhan: what I fear most
Siobhan's worst fear isn't spiders, or ghosts, or planes, or death, but.... Find out!
Corinne: celebrating Christmas in South Africa
In South Africa, Christmas is not celebrated in the same way as in England. Corinne, a 58-year-0ld South African living in England, tells us about this difference.
Kevin: my life
Kevin skims over his life, from the 60s onwards, and tells us about his way of life.
Els articles més populars
Erica : popular bands in the US
Erica tells us about popular music bands in the US.
Sean : my typical Christmas day
Sean explains what he and his family do on Christmas day.
Jordi: La recepta de la truita de patates
En Jordi ens presenta com fer una deliciosa truita de patates amb ceba.
Bastis: Kijan fè on kolonmbo ?
Tousa non bizwen pou fè kolonmbo a pour
Sèrgi: la bastida de Sant Somplesi
Sa bastison, son origina, sas particularitats...
Juliana : Os brigadeiros
Juliana descreve a receita dos brigadeiros. Quais são os ingredientes ? Como se realizam esses doces tradicionais brasileiros ?