14 langues – 8573 mp3
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1046 grabaciones
1810 grabaciones
1118 grabaciones
1329 grabaciones
636 grabaciones
1004 grabaciones
527 grabaciones
248 grabaciones
178 grabaciones
238 grabaciones
139 grabaciones
119 grabaciones
Criollo de guadalupe
130 grabaciones
51 grabaciones
Grabaciones más recientes
Siobhan: Christmas with my family
Siobhan speaks about the way Christmas is celebrated in her catholic Irish family.
Siobhan: a year in Germany
Siobhan tells us about her experience as a student in Hanover, Germany, and how this experience has transformed her .
Siobhan: my favourite actors, actresses and films
Siobhan,22, tells us who her favourite actresses, actors are, and the films she prefers.
Siobhan: the painter I love best
Siobhan speaks about an artist that she has discovered at school, in her German class, and that she really adores: Otto Dix
Siobhan: a funny incident
Siobhan,22, has witnessed a really funny incident in a bus...
Siobhan: my worst nightmare
One day, Sibhan dreamt that....and it has become her worst recurrent nightmare.
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María : mi retrato
María se presenta : cualidades y defectos.
Marcel : Was sind Helden ?
Amerikas Superhelden sind für mich keine Helden. Jeder kann theoretisch ein Held sein.
Kerry : my favorite meal - roast leg of lamb
Kerry describes her favorite meal : roast leg of lamb.
Diego adora comer Acarajés de Salvador
Mas o Felipe nem tanto...!