Kate (York, England)

I’m an English assistant in France.

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Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article4252

Kate : my village in England

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Kate talks about her village in England.

MP3 – 887.5 kb


0 Rating

URL of this resource : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article4252

Download : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/IMG/mp3/kate_gb_myvillage.mp3

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Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article4252
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2358

Kate: Easter in England

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Kate speaks about the celebration of Easter : chocolates, egg hunts and Easter bunnies.

MP3 – 810.9 kb


6 Rates

URL of this resource : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2358

Download : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/IMG/mp3/Kate_Easter.mp3

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Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article2358
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article1891

Kate: weather in the center of England

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Kate tells us about the weather in Kent : the seasons.

MP3 – 413.7 kb


1 Rating

URL of this resource : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article1891

Download : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/IMG/mp3/Kate_GB_WeatherinGB.mp3

Afficher les liens cliquables
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article1891
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article1715

Kate : a typical schoolday in GB

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Kate details a schoolday in England starting with Assembly in the morning.

MP3 – 1.4 Mb


2 Rates

URL of this resource : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article1715

Download : https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/IMG/mp3/Kate_schoolday.mp3

Afficher les liens cliquables
Twitter Facebook qrcode:https://audio-lingua.ac-versailles.fr/spip.php?article1715