Gloria (Cheddar, UK)
I work in a small family business in Cheddar in Somerset in the UK.
2 ressources
Gloria : Cheddar Sweet Kitchen
Gloria has joined his father in the family business for 30 years now and her daughter has recently joined them too in Cheddar Village.
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Gloria : unemployment in the UK
Gloria talks about the fact that an important part of young people are unemployed in the UK.
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Flux de podcasts
Les auteurs
- Alejandro de San José (Almería)
- Alessandra
- Alessandra
- Alessandra (di Cosenza)
- Alessandra (Italia)
- Alessandra (Italia)
- Alessandra (Roma, Italia)
- Alessandro (Roma)
- Alessandro (Sardegna)
- Alessio
- Alex (Clarkston, Scotland)
- Alex (New Brunswick, Canada)
- Alex (New York, USA)
- Alex (Yvelines, France)
- Alexandra de Colombia
- Alexandra de Murcia
- Alexandra de Paris
- Alexandra, assistente de português
- Alexandra, eine Deutsche in Versailles.
- Alexandre (Ile de France, France)
- Alexandre (Rambouillet, France)
- Alexandre (St Arnoult, France)
- Alexandre de Djibouti
- Alexandros (Yvelines, France)
- Alexia de Normandie
- Alexis (Yvelines, France)
- Alexis B, île de France
- Alexis de Panamá
- Alfredo de Sevilla
- Aliça de Cours
- Alice (Canterbury, UK)
- Alice (Devon, UK)
- Alice (région parisienne, France)
- Alice (Sheffield, England)
- Alice aus Düsseldorf
- Alicia (Rambouillet, France)
- Alicia de Barcelona
- Aliénor de Fontenay-le-Comte
- Alina
- Aline do Rio de Janeiro