14 Sprachen – 8542 mp3
Tondateien von Muttersprachlern in 13 Sprachen zur freien Nutzung für Schulen oder Privatpersonen. Hörverständnis, Fremdsprachen lernen
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1043 Tondateien
1803 Tondateien
1118 Tondateien
1318 Tondateien
630 Tondateien
1004 Tondateien
526 Tondateien
248 Tondateien
178 Tondateien
238 Tondateien
139 Tondateien
119 Tondateien
130 Tondateien
48 Tondateien
Die neuesten Tondateien
Elisa : le lac de l’Eychauda
Elisa nous parle de sa plus belle randonnée des vacances en montagne.
Sam : the three things my parents told me
Sam thinks about the things her parents told her.
Sam : my physical description
Sam describes herself.
Chiara (Basilicata) : Le origini di Venezia
Chiara presenta le origini della città di Venezia.
Priscilla : La Fontana di Trevi
Si tratta di una descrizione dettagliata della Fontana di Trevi e delle tradizioni che sono legate ad essa.
Isotta : I licei in Italia
Isotta presenta in modo dettagliato i vari licei italiani.
Die beliebtesten Artikel
Ismini : the pledge of allegiance
What is the pledge of allegiance?
Sam : the three things my parents told me
Sam thinks about the things her parents told her.
Ismini : my school uniform
Ismini describes the school uniform she had to wear in high school. She liked it and she tells us why.
Sam : my physical description
Sam describes herself.
Liz : recycling in England
Liz has a lot of different bins to recycle in front of her house in England.
Robin : public transportation in New York City vs in London
Robin compares public transportation in the two cities.