14 lingue – 8659 mp3
Vous trouverez ici des fichiers mp3 en 14 langues, enregistrés par des locuteurs natifs, libres de droits pour une utilisation pédagogique ou personnelle pour l’entraînement à la compréhension de l’oral en français, anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien, russe, portugais, chinois, occitan, arabe, catalan, corse, créole et hébreu
Ùltimi mp3
Ann : l’importance de la musique
Ann explique l'importance que la musique a toujours eu dans sa vie, et les expériences qu'elle lui a permis de vivre.
Rosemarie: living in the countryside
Rosemarie, an Irish girl studying in Dublin but coming from the country, speaks about her preference for the country.
Rosemarie: a new sport
Rosemarie, an Irish girl studying in Dublin, speaks about a new mixed sport that is becoming very popular in Ireland, tie-rugby.
Rosemarie: the sport I practise
Rosemarie speaks about the sport she practises in Dublin, in a club as well as in college: women's football
Rosemarie: three months in San Francisco
Rosemarie has worked as an au-pair for three months in San Francisco, where she has lived in the Irish community, and practised a lot of sports (very fast)
Rosemarie: my studies
Rosemarie talks about her studies in pharmacy
Artìculi i più pupulari
Silvia: la mia città, Vicenza
Silvia ci parla di Vicenza, dei suoi monumenti, della sua cucina e di un detto tradizionale
Erica : bullying
Erica tells us about the different forms of bullying : physical bullying, emotional bullying and cyber bullying.
Bernard : France vs. England
Bernard compares living in England and living in France. He thinks the English are concentrated on how to earn a living whereas the French are far more easy-going.
ميار : الأردن هو بيتي
تتحدث ميار عن بلدها الأردن ومدينتها العقبة
ميار : القهوة السادة
شرب القهوة السادة من عادات وتقاليد الأردن
Евгения, Виктория: где живут студенты
Евгения и Виктория из разных регионов России. Они сравнивают, как молодые люди в этиз регионах решают свои жилищные вопросы.