14 llengües – 8583 mp3
Vous trouverez ici des fichiers mp3 en 14 langues, enregistrés par des locuteurs natifs, libres de droits pour une utilisation pédagogique ou personnelle pour l’entraînement à la compréhension de l’oral en français, anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien, russe, portugais, chinois, occitan, arabe, catalan, corse, créole et hébreu
Els Mp3 més recents
Michael: my hobbies
Michael, 18, likes doing many different activities in his spare time.
Eoin: living on a farm
Eoin, 16, enjoys living on a farm and helping with the animals, but he's also a soccer fan like most teenagers!
Peggy: my arrival in the States
Peggy, 75, moved to America in the 40s. She tells us why and how she arrived there, and of her first impressions.
Peggy: my arrival in the States: choosing a job
Peggy, 75, recalls how she had to choose a job just after arriving in America.
Peggy: my arrival in the States: a traumatic experience
When she got to America, Peggy first contemplated working in the Death Row, as a social worker. She explains why she had made such choice.
Peggy: my best childhood memory
Peggy, before moving to the United States, lived on a farm in rural Ireland. She tells us about her best childhood memories there.
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