14 llengües – 8583 mp3
Vous trouverez ici des fichiers mp3 en 14 langues, enregistrés par des locuteurs natifs, libres de droits pour une utilisation pédagogique ou personnelle pour l’entraînement à la compréhension de l’oral en français, anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien, russe, portugais, chinois, occitan, arabe, catalan, corse, créole et hébreu
Els Mp3 més recents
Corinne: celebrating Christmas in South Africa
In South Africa, Christmas is not celebrated in the same way as in England. Corinne, a 58-year-0ld South African living in England, tells us about this difference.
Kevin: my life
Kevin skims over his life, from the 60s onwards, and tells us about his way of life.
Matthew: my hobby
Woodwork is Matthew's new hobby.
Matthew: my life
Matthew skims over his life in England and speaks of his childhood, his job, his hobbies, his cats.
Rosemary: my childhood
Rosemary has changed homes many times when she was a child and teenager; she tells us why, whereto, and how she felt about it.
Rosemary: my life
In her first recording, Rosemary spoke about her childhood in many diffferent countries. In this one she speaks of her life as a teenager and as an adult in Wiltshire, England, and tells us she feels she has found her roots - at last.
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María y Sol: receta de trufas
María y Sol nos describen su receta de trufas con chocolate.
Jimmy: why I love Paris
Jimmy tells us why Paris is his favourite city in the world.